Sunday, December 6, 2009

Wiring IS Golden...

What an ordeal it was getting the Legion Region Speedway wired and running. After Matt and I spent a Saturday wiring the whole track we thought we were good to go. I only had to run wire to link all the wiring blocks and taps. I did everything that needed to be done. I got the driver stations all made and installed. Hooked up the Professor Motor controllers and pulled the trigger. "OH CRAP!"

It just couldn't be that easy. The sensitivity of the trigger was too much. I barely pulled the trigger and the car was flying done the track and forget about getting the car through the esses and hairpins without it deslotting.

Oh yeah, lanes 1 and 4 had power glitches, slow down and dead stop areas. "WHAT THE !#@%*!" was heard coming from the basement on several occassions as my wife retold me later.

So, I switched some track pieces. Lane 1 stopped having the glitches. "YES!, oh crap." The glitch just moved further down the lane. Everything I did just caused me problems. I even add 2 more power taps at each end of the main str8. "This should take care of it." NOPE!

I put a post on our local club's site and our crazy scientist of the group sent me this link about issues with Scaley Sport track and how to solve them.

I just did the tab part of the above link and it solves all my issues. The PM's work just fine and each lane has perfect power all the way around them. I highly suggest anyone putting a Scaley Sport track together do the tab fix to all their track pieces whether they're brand new or used. If I had known to do it before hand it would have saved all the effort Matt and I put into it today.

We took 136 pieces of track apart, bent 8 tabs on each piece of track and reassembled it all. That's 1088 tabs that had to be tweeked. However, the end result was perfect power in all lanes. It was just a, "magnificent pain in the ass," as Matt put it on our club site.

Matt is my electronics savior and I owe him big time for all the work, assistance and wire he donated to the cause of getting my track up and running.

Next, comes the borders, walls and guardrails to keep the cars on the track and off the concrete floor.

Here's a video of Matt taking a lap after all our hard work. The track was filthy, but we ran the hell out of it after we were done fixing it all.

One more wall climbed and hopefully the rest are just the walls that go around the

1 comment:

  1. This is going to be a great track to drive. The center lanes are just different enough from the gutter lanes that your timing does not work across all the lanes. Learning one lane just means you have three more to go. Very challenging and very nice. Matt
