Monday, September 21, 2009

My Unicorn Is Finally Captured...

Today a 2 yr safari came to an end. Those who know me know of my love for yellow cars. Funny thing is I've never owned a yellow car. However, there's a big difference from being able to own a yellow Ferrari, Vette or Mustang Boss than there is a $50 slot car version of these cars.

I fell in love with the Fly Classic Ferrari 512S Berlinetta #23 2 yrs ago and could never afford to get it. Did I mention it is yellow? This car has gone for over $100 on eBay. Needless to say, I wasn't in a position to pay that kind of green for it.

I'd keep a vigil on the For Sale/Trade Forums of several slot car sites. Lurking, waiting and ready to strike. In 2 yrs, I've seen this unicorn up for sale or trade 4 or 5 times. Each time I was too late, didn't have the funds or trade car that would bring it my way once and for all.

That all changed when I lucked into a Limited Edition Spanish Ninco Nissan 350Z from a trade with a fellow in Spain. I say I was lucky because all he wanted in trade for it was a Scalextric Dewalt Nascar. I jumped on that deal. This is when I was wanting to add some Ninco cars to my stable after years of frowning upon them. Basically, like I did Fly cars and that has obviously changed over the years.  

As you can see above, it had more than enough yellow for my taste. The picture doesn't do it justice. Plus, it was # 21 out of 750.

After getting the Z in the mail I posted pix of it and showed it to Kurt. He loves Ninco and has been on the Ninco USA World Championship Team twice. I knew he had my unicorn held up in his dungeon and this might be the damsil he'd take for it's release. He quickly agreed to the trade and today the mystical beauty was waiting for me on the coffee table when I arrived home from work.

This version has the best looking rear end in my opinion. I think I'm in love. Kurt, did you run this thing? I can tell it's been around the track, but it must have been under the control of the Pace Car.  

I did some parade laps with her and then back in the case she went for safe keeping. Those mirrors would be the first thing to go in a race. I'm torn if she will be raced in our local club events or not. She might be a private runner for when it's just her, me and my choice of 4 lanes. Simply awesome. Kurt thank you so much. It feels weird now. Who will I stalk now?
NOTE: I do love my wife...just to set the record straight...LOL.

NOTE: Kurt doesn't...I repeat...doesn't drink the Kool Aid.

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