Later on the night that I got the lights bought and hung I pulled out all the track pieces and started getting it laid out on the table. It was so much easier putting the track together standing up. I didn't miss being hunched over or on my knees on the concrete floor.
I actually gave my Dad the wrong length for the table when he drew it all up. It was suppose to be only 17' long. However, the extra foot on the end in picture #1 below will allow me to place my monitor in the left corner of the table for the timing system. So, a mistake that paid off for once.
I plan on trying to create an elevation(s) somewhere within the layout. I've got a couple of ideas swirling around, but until I actually do it and run a car around to see how it will actually work...they remain just ideas.
Photo #1
I actually gave my Dad the wrong length for the table when he drew it all up. It was suppose to be only 17' long. However, the extra foot on the end in picture #1 below will allow me to place my monitor in the left corner of the table for the timing system. So, a mistake that paid off for once.
I plan on trying to create an elevation(s) somewhere within the layout. I've got a couple of ideas swirling around, but until I actually do it and run a car around to see how it will actually work...they remain just ideas.
Photo #1
See anything wrong in Photo #1? I put all this track in a box and upon taking it all back out to build the layout I had a R4 curve go AWOL on me. It couldn't be a piece that I had 5 extras of...could it?
The box did end up on the side of the basement that everything was piled up in and I'm sure it fell out into the mess. I'll have to do a search and rescue. Unless, the track gremlins are playing a nasty trick on me. However, Dan, one of our club members, said he might have one laying around his basement for me.
Photo #2
So, next the big task of wiring the 4 driver stations, the track for the variable power supply and who knows how many power taps around the track. I'm not looking forward to this part, but I've got several of our local Cincy Slot Rods Club boyz ready to help. I just need to get the funds for the supplies together.
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