Saturday, March 27, 2010

Opening Night...

On March 20, 2010 my Legion Region Speedway went live with it's first offical race night for our club. We even had special guest Kurt Moser. He's a 2 time Team USA memeber for the Ninco World Finals and recently part of Team Slingshot who just blew away a world record in Chicago. The 24 Hours of Chicago saw Team Slingshot drive a RTR plastic chassis slot car 233.3 miles in 24 hours. They broke this record with around an hour left in the race. We also were graced with Kurt's better half Jenny the Nerf Queen.

We only had about half the club make it, but we got 2 new racers who joined us for the Ninco IROC Race and it's always great to get new folks running with the club. We ran a Ninco Bowler Raid, Porsche 997, Ferrari and Mercedes DTM. The cars were assigned to their own lane and controller. This way everyone
ran with the same conditions in the race. Since the track still had a lot of dirt in it we ended up running them with magnets. We ran 3 minute heats and 2 total segments and added those laps together for the finishing order.

Everyone loved the IROC format and running the Ninco cars. I think the Bowler surprised a good number of the members with how well it ran. However, it did have 3 trips to the basement floor and almost had another 3 or 4 more. It kept the marshalls in the last turn of the track on their toes. At the end of the night it was looking rough, but nothing that couldn't be fixed.

The other 3 cars managed to finish the night with no damage. We didn't have any real problems either. The Carlson Timing Track, Trackmate Software / Interface and the track call swith worked flawlessly. We did have a fluke with on of the cars motor lead coming undone at the motor, but it was Sebastian quick with a propane soldiering iron that got it back to racing in about 5 minutes. Then we thought the Porsche found an issue with Lane #3 through the Meat Grinder. However, after a braid adjustment the problem was gone. So, no track issues what so ever. Oops!!! We blew a fuse when the Porches' braids got bent on a re-slot and blew a fuse. Sadly, we thought it was the car and didn't think of the fuse until it was too late. It had an effect on the final standings explained later.

Here's the Legion Region Speedway Hellava Lap Board. After each race segment the Fastest Lap Times for each lane were posted and the name of the driver who accomplished it too. The best thing is that after the next segment of heats if there is a change that driver has the pleasure of erasing the previous record. It makes for some friendly jabs at one another.

                               Ninco IROC Series                       
       Final Standings

  1. Kurt 223
2. Pat 217
     3. Legion 209
     4. Shawn 206
5. Joel 203
        6. Sebastian 202
  7. Jenny 200
8. Eric 199
    9. Dave 198   
10. Steve 196

Hellava Lap Times

Lane 1 / Bowler Raid Truck was Shawn 6.446
Lane 2 / Porsche was Legion 5.523
Lane 3 / Ferrari was Kurt 5.450
Lane 4 / DTM Mercedes was Kurt 6.256

*NOTE: Shawn was the one running when the fuse blew and we thought it had to be the car and kept starting and stopping the race within the last 30 seconds of the heat before we looked at the fuses. So, I came in 3rd Place and if that hadn't had happened he would have most likely beat me by 2-3 laps. However, I'm still claiming the podium...LOL. I'll take 3rd or 4th any day behind Kurt, Pat and Shawn. They're very good drivers. Hell, 3rd to Kurt with his history...hecks yeah!!!

Here's a self-made panoramic shot of the race I made from several photos.

It was a very successful track opening and everyone really enjoyed the IROC format. Here's too race #2!!!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

LRS is about to go LIVE...

Legion Region Speedway's 1st Club Race for the Cincy Slot Rods
Club is happening tomorrow. Well, looking at the clock it will be
happening in 16 hours. (Man I need to get to bed) I just wanted
to drop a quick little note that the blog will start to become more
regular again.

I've got the track "race ready" for now, but will have much more
done to it in the future. I plan on painting the whole table, some
decorating of it one way or another, walls, etc. This first race
should point out what all needs to be done in regards to walls
and such.

Sadly, only about half the club is able to come. However,
we'll have special guest in the Legion Region.
Mr. Kurt Moser of Ninco Team USA fame and now as
part of the 24 Hour Distance Record Breaking Team.
233.3 Miles!!! I did some quick math and if I ran one of the
middle lanes of my track I would roughly have to do 22,368
laps in 24 hours. No, I'm not going for it.

I'll post pix of the track, and the event on Sunday.
So, stay tuned.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

So Close I Can Taste It...

I finally got everything I need to finish the track this week. The Carlson timing track and the Trackmate interface. The rest of the needed Sport borders arrived today along with a Slot It controller I picked up from the same guy at a great price.

My buddy is coming over this Saturday to get all the timing stuff installed which also includes a track call button. Hopefully, we get it all working without a hitch.

Then all I have to do is cut the wood to raise the infield areas up to track level and also act as the inside borders for the cars. Also, marking the lanes with a touch of color with my buddy's pin stripping tool.

Then it will be all about getting the rest of the basement organized and clean up for make room for all the racers.

March 20th is right around the corner. This will be the first race night for our club on my track.
I'm hosting an all Ninco IROC Race.

The following cars will be run...
Porsche 997 with NC5
N1 Series Corvette with NC11
Mercedes DTM with NC2
Pro Truck with NC7.

Yes, you read that right. We're racing the truck. I think it will determine who the winner is too.
It will be interesting with the various motors too.